Month: May 2021

Make Your Own Flower Medicine – Rose Petal Honey

Make Your Own Flower Medicine – Rose Petal Honey

One of my girl’s favorite recipe is rose petal honey, made from the pink petals of the rosebush in our front yard. My youngest calls it her nighttime medicine because nana will give her a spoonful before bedtime when she stays with us.

Five Fast-Growing Plants to Spark Your Kids’ Love of Gardening

Five Fast-Growing Plants to Spark Your Kids’ Love of Gardening

One way I’ve kept my kids interested in gardening is by making sure we have plenty of fast-growing plants that they can watch come to life practically overnight and you don’t need a Monty Don-inspired space either. All of these easy plants to grow will work well on a kitchen windowsill, patio, or dining room table.

Unplugging Our Summer with Nature Camps in Orange County

Unplugging Our Summer with Nature Camps in Orange County

Updated 6/11

Despite my best intentions, we have spent a lot of time in front of screens this past year. When I was working full time, the TV or tablet bought me an extra hour of work when I didn’t have childcare to cover the gap between the school day and my workday. We are normally a low-screen household, but these rules went by the wayside when it became clear that pandemic parenting was going to be longer than a two-week stint. 

However, I learned the hard way that time outside every day is a must for my girls and is the fastest way to calm down our overstimulated nervous systems (myself included). A bad day or mood can quickly be erased by observing sproutlings push through the mud, making friends with a garden snail, and picking a sun-ripened strawberry.  

K meets a snail

Now that I’ve left my full-time gig to focus on my kiddos, I’ve been very intentional about getting us outside every day and gently replacing the screens (where I can) with hands-on activities. But we still have a lot of virtual school. We are counting down to when we can put the computer away and spend our entire days outside (if we are so inclined). 

As we plan for this summer’s adventures, I’ve been researching Nature Camps in Orange County to get us exploring and learning about the natural world we love so much. My girls aren’t old enough to attend sleepaway camp yet, so my search has focused on single-day or week-day programs.  I’m really excited about what I’ve found (Can I go too, pretty please?).

I’ve already enrolled us in a few of these experiences and am cross-checking our budget to see what else I can fit in. Below is a non-comprehensive list of some fantastic-looking Nature Camps in Orange County I’ve found.

I am not affiliated with any of these organizations or being compensated for this post; nor have we attended these camps in prior years. This post is simply sharing the information I’ve found to help shorten the search for other moms and dads.

Camino De Nature Project – Orange County

Ages: Ages 7-12
Cost: $350
Dates: June 21-24 (Secrets of the Forests), June 28- July 1 (Forever Wild), Monday – Thursday, 9 am-3 pm

Description from Camino De Nature Project Website:

Camino De Santiago Nature School summer camps are drop-ff and are designed for children aged 7-12 years. Each camp meets Monday through Thursday from 9 am-3:00 pm at a local Orange County park. The fee for each week of camp is $350 and includes any materials or craft supplies. Maximum enrollment in each camp is 10. Each student is responsible for supplying and carrying their food, water, sunscreen, and any other personal items they may need for the day.

Grow-Eat-Make – Ecology Center – San Juan Capistrano

Ages: Ages 5-12
Cost: $950 (for two weeks)
Dates: July 12 – July 23, July 26 – August 6 (Earlier sessions are sold out)

Description from Ecology Center Website:

Grow-Eat-Make Summer Camp is a unique opportunity for kids to dig deep into the regenerative ethos that guides our work at The Ecology Center. Campers will spend their two weeks exploring our working farm, Farm Stand and Children’s Garden as a small, cooperative group. Each day will be focused around a “learn by doing” activity that teaches environmental stewardship, from real farm work and food discovery to collaborative games and nature-based arts and crafts. Our trained Camp Counselors will lead small groups of about 12 campers, tailoring the day’s focus and activities to the age, interests and needs of each group. This engaging experience will nurture a life-long appreciation of the outdoors, and help your child explore how people and the environment are connected.

Tides and El Jardín -Lanterns Global

I learned about this camp through one of my neighborhood Facebook groups and I am over-the-moon excited to send my kids! Lanterns Global has two nature camp program offerings this summer Tides and El Jardín.

El Jardín – Great Park of Orange County, Farm + Food Lab

Ages: Grades 1st-4th
Cost: $300/Camper or $90 daily drop-in fee (charter school funds accepted)
Dates: June 14-18, June 21-25, and August 16-20 (three separate sessions; Mondays- Fridays, 9-2)

Description from Lanterns Global Website:

Come and join us for fun and safe outdoor sports, games, activities, gardening, and art, all while learning about the wonders of Spanish! Campers will have the opportunity to play fun group games and activities, learn about gardening, engage in daily art projects, all while learning Spanish with weekly lessons focused on different Spanish-speaking countries. Your students will learn about different Spanish-speaking countries: food, music, culture, dance, animals, etc. The same, amazing El Jardin our students are used to plus many more games, activities, and projects!

We have been practicing Spanish at home as a family and I love that this camp blends language immersion with gardening. Seriously, can I go, too?

Tides– Crescent Bay – Laguna Beach

Ages: Ages 6-14
Cost: $300/Camper or $90 daily drop-in fee (charter school funds accepted)
Dates: August 2 – 6 (Mondays- Fridays, 9-2)

Description from Lanterns Global Website:

Come and join us for fun and safe outdoor sports, beach play, and learning about the wonders of Marine Biology! Campers will have the opportunity to bring their own boards and beach toys, play fun beach games, and have daily Marine Biology Lessons. The same, amazing Tides our students are used to plus water sports and beach games!

Lanterns Global Summer Camps
Tides Summer Camp – Photo provided Courtesy of Lanterns Global.

Summer Camps with Earthroots Field School – Trabuco Canyon

Fairy Quest Camp
Ages: 5-10 (Children under seven need a parent chaperone – yay I get to go!)
Cost: $70 per child ($65 for siblings). Scholarships are available.
Dates: Sunday, June 27, Wednesday, July 21, Saturday, July 31 (three separate sessions)

Fairy Quest Camp - Earthroots Field School
Fairy Quest Camp – Photo Courtesy of Earthroots Field School

Description from Earthroots Field School website:

Join Earthroots instructor Raz Allen for a treasure hunt that starts with a story of a fairy that landed at Big Oak.

We will learn the lay of the land, as we follow the fairy’s path through this wondrous place. We will visit various areas of the property, where the fairy first learned the history and found some treasures of Big Oak. The children will gather nature treasures at each stop and we will create a backpack charm for them to take home. Encouraging the children to pass down the magical story of Big Oak Canyon.

Fairies – check. Storytelling – check. Nature walks – check. Crafts – check. This one was an easy sign up for us.

Return to Nature Camp
Ages: 7-12
Cost: $450 per child ($425 for siblings). Scholarships are available.
Dates: June 29th-July 2nd, July 5th-8th (two separate sessions); includes an overnight campout

Description from Earthroots Field School website:

Nothing nurtures awareness and creativity like being in nature! Your child’s curiosity and imagination will come alive as they explore Big Oak Canyon and experience fun, hands-on activities designed to create a space of inclusion and belonging for all. Gratitude and compassion will set the tone daily as kids learn both artistic expression and practical skills. Activities including tracking, beading, bird language, plant pressing, map making, and plant identification will be seamlessly woven together as camp leaders artist Lylah and naturalist Shane help your child reconnect with the land in a safe and supportive environment. Camp includes four lively days and one star-filled night of camping!

Earthroots Field School also has a Wild Craft Camp at Home and Family Nature Skills Camp at Home experience and a DIY Marionnette summer camp that looks like a lot of fun! Explore all of their summer camp offerings here.

O.A.K.S. Day Camp – Oak Canyon Nature Center – Anaheim

Ages: 6-12 
Cost: $83 (there is one shorter session for $67)
Dates: Camps run mid-June thru mid-August. Each camp session has its own unique theme – Radical Reptiles, Mad Science, Pirate Adventure – Oh my!

Description from O.A.K.S. Day Camp website:

Calling all young explorers and nature lovers for a summer of outdoor fun. Campers will have the opportunity to experience themed art, nature, Native American traditions, games, and more! 

Photos from past camps look like a lot of fun! Plus – my oldest is OBSESSED with reptiles. I might make the trek from South OC just for her to experience the reptile camp. There’s also a Wilderness Survival Camp if you have older (12-14) kiddos.

Ocean Institute Summer Camp – Dana Point

Ages: 5-17 (Camp offerings are organized by age group)
Cost: $423.00 (Non-Members) and $388.00 (Members) Pricing for the youngest camp program and internship program differs.
Dates: Camps run June thru August. 

Because nature exploration in Southern California encompasses the sea (we are so lucky), I was very excited to learn about the Ocean Institute’s week-long summer day camp programs. Sessions are offered for children as young as five and as old as seventeen and provide hands-on opportunities to explore the marine ecosystems right here in OC. Their summer camp program is organized by age group – each with its own fun theme Sea Squirts (5-6 year olds), Neptune’s Mysteries (6-7 year olds), Buccaneer Adventure Camp (7-8 year olds), Ocean Discovery (8-9 year olds), Shipwreck Hunters (9-11 year olds), Coastal Explorers (10-13 year olds), Marine Science Careers + Internship Academy (14-17 year olds).

Summer Nature Camp – Environmental Nature Center- Newport Beach

Please note ENC’s camps for kids age 3 – 8 are full. A waitlist is available.

Ages: 4-13 (Camp offerings are organized by age group)
Cost: $275-325 (week-long day camp. Higher price camp is for the younger kiddos. Members receive a 10% discount. Scholarships are available). 
Dates: Camps run mid-June thru mid-August. Each camp session has its own unique theme like Amazing Animals, Planet Protectors, Nature Detectives, and Legends and Lore.

Description from Environmental Nature Center website:

The ENC has offered Nature Camps since 1977! Nature Camp provides nature play and quality science education in an outdoor, hands-on setting.  ENC Nature Camp emphasizes experiential learning. Campers spend their time outside, having a great time observing nature up close using tools like binoculars, magnifying lenses and microscopes. Science concepts are introduced in a fun environment, with crafts, games and hands-on activities.

I’ve heard a lot of great things about the kids’ programs at the Environmental Nature Center and was very excited to see that they have a summer camp offering that sounds right up our alley. They have a cute video on their website that gives a taste of the types of activities kids will do at camp and I know my girls would love it. Now that California is opening up a bit, I’m hoping the girls and I can plan a field trip to the ENC one weekday – as well!

I also found some really fun looking Nature Day camps through the Sea and Sage Audubon Society, but it does not look like sessions are currently scheduled due to COVID-19. I’ll try to update this post if they become available in the future.

Nature Camps Orange County
Kids unplugging in the great outdoors at Earthroots Field School – Photo Courtesy of Earthroots Field School

I think nature camps will be the perfect recipe to help us all detox from the digital world this summer. My oldest daughter was also recently accepted to a nearby public Waldorf school and I think some nature-focused education over the summer will help her prepare for this transition.

Know a nature camp in Orange County we should check out? Leave a comment below. I hope your summer plans are shaping up to be adventurous!